Ramp Up Your Maturity with These 2 Keys

Peter Mbayaki
Short. Sweet. Valuable.
2 min readApr 26, 2024


Photo on Pexels by Elizabeth Tr. Armstrong

Two days ago, I had an intriguing conversation with a lawyer colleague. Her immense depth and perspective of maturity struck me, and I thought I’d share her ideas.

First off, I have been on a quest to develop my maturity recently, and I wrote a piece initially that expressed some pathways to maturity which is reasonably restraining your appetites.

Sure, deep down, we’re just human capable of making mistakes, and I’m no exception because I have my own flaws as well.

Long story short, the lady lawyer perceives maturity as follows:

1. Understanding Yourself

You’re a unique soul with distinct perspectives, experiences and talents. There’s something you know about life that we don’t.

So, if you get used to regular introspection and understand what you want from life without unnecessary pressures from external forces, then you’re well on your path of maturity because you’ll bear some good fruit like a mature tree.

2. The Power of Fruitfulness

I’m talking about the power of multiplication here.

The lawyer told me that she can easily denote someone’s maturity level by gauging their management capacity. If I hand someone 5 dollars, their ability to invest the little cash and multiply it says a lot about them.

But sometimes, investments can go wrong and that’s totally understandable.

Besides money, a mature person can also multiply small gems of wisdom, ideas and skills.

“The power of fruitfulness, and self-understanding demonstrates high level maturity.” Caren, Lawyer



Peter Mbayaki
Short. Sweet. Valuable.

Peter Mbayaki is a lawyer, freelance writer, content strategist, aspiring entrepreneur and traveler.